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Knee Care

Knee joint is a hinge joint that is made up of the femur, the tibia, and fibula, and will also include the patellofemoral joint in this section.


The knee flexes, and extends, but also allows some degree of rotation.


The knee is supported by the ACL, PCL, lateral collateral ligaments to give it structural support.


The quads, hamstrings, gastroc muscles act on the knee position.


This knee is prone to injury from forces that cause shear like cutting, twisting, and also poor knee mechanics over time.


Poor form and also any muscle imbalance also makes the knee at risk for injury.


The following videos and kit will:

-instruct you on the recommended exercises to keep the muscles around the knee strong and flexible

-instruct you on the proper mechanics to protect the knee

-instruct you on how to care for your knee when it is injured


Principles of Treatment

-Do No Harm.  If any of the exercises cause pain, please refrain.

-Improve balance between strength and flexibility

-Practice good knee mechanics with all activities

-Do No Harm.



The Key to the right exercise program is one that creates enough meaningful change and is attainable to do.  Basically I know how it is to have a busy schedule;-)

Exercise and Video Instruction

Recommended Exercises:
access code: NVGYEWPF
Posture, Ergonomics, Body Mechanics Training
access code: TZ96HYLA
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1.  Click on the link
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Disclaimer: Please consult with your doctor or Health Care Practitioner before heading to any advice or exercise regime.  The information and videos provided by Betterhealthkits is intended to be informational in nature and not diagnostic.  By accessing video content you are agreeing that betterhealthkits co. does not assume any liability.
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